Business Knowledge

After dealing with a variety of clients, we have ability to understand the basic needs of the business. With the on going change in digital world, we have helped our clients to adopt new changes for growth of their business.

It’s certainly true that every industry and every individual company has its own challenges and opportunities. At SmallArc we don’t provide generic, one-size-fits-all solutions and services. One of our strongest attributes is that we create customized solutions that are tailored to the specific challenges of your business and your industry.When you work with SmallArc, You will receive access to information technology experts who understand the technical functions of your business and the needs and wants of your marketplace. We know how to smoothly and efficiently integrate your existing technology and innovative new systems and solutions. It’s certainly true that every industry and every individual company has its own challenges and opportunities. At SmallArc we don’t provide generic, one-size-fits-all solutions and services. One of our strongest attributes is that we create customized solutions that are tailored to the specific challenges of your business and your industry.

SmallArc Business Knowledge Services Include

  • Develop ROI or a business case study for projects
  • Articulate business requirements in such a way as to lead to technical solutions; our consultants are trained not to worry about technical solutions at the start of a project but to keep them in the back of their mind as we seek to understand the intricacies of your particular systems and needs.
  • Analyze business requirements with a family of technical solutions as the final goal.
  • Develop detailed business requirements for off-shore and remote on-shore development teams
  • Project Manage the design and development phases of systems implementation projects to ensure business requirements are met.
  • Business process analysis and workflow analysis
  • Once the business requirements are thoroughly understood, we generate one or more technical solutions through the use of imagination and brainstorming during the evaluation process.
  • Testing – the same consultants who perform the business analysis prepare the test cases to verify that the end result meets the requirements

Industries in Which We Operate

  • Banking
  • Capital Markets
  • Asset Management
  • Market Data
  • Insurance
  • Health Services
  • Sales
  • and The functional areas of
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Risk Management
  • Health Services